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Pest Management at the Crossroads

Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
/permaculture /intergarden/orgfarm /ecolandtech
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: Pest Management at the Crossroads

Pest Management at the Crossroads

*The Art and Science of Pest Management*
      *Policy and the Public Interest*
            *Forces Driving Change*

0 CONTACTS 0                  0 SPONSOR 0


o National Organic Standards Rule o

o What's Hot in IPM and Pesticide Regulation?? o

oIPM and Policy o

oMeasuring IPM Adoption o

o IPM in the Field o

o IPM and the Marketplace o

oIPM -- Cutting Edge Science and Technology Issues o

oGenetic Engineering o

o H.R. 1627: The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 o

o About the Book...Pest Management at the Crossroads o

o Pesticide Use o

o Pesticides, Human Health and the Environment o

o For Students and Professors Only... o

o Debates... o