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Tofu making byproducts

>>> Chinese genocide in Tibet. Hey Zipperbilly, why don't you drop a few
>>> bombs over Peking ? And to those who would hold that the "white man"
>>They helped get him elected, in gratitude he gave them nukes to drop on

This thread sure has drifted far from its origin as a caution about
releasing potentially invasive plants into your local environment.

And now, for Something Completely Different

I made my first batches of tofu today with the organic soybeans grown here
in the garden on the farm using the instructions from
http://syracuse.foodnotbombs.ca/T-rec.htm and epsom's salts as the curding
agent.  Being an engineer by training and having worked in process/chemical
etc. engineering, I want to close the materials loop as much as possible.
(By the way, organic tofu is only sporatically available at the local
grocery, hence the need for this quest and who knows maybe a local business
opportunity :>)

Several questions come to mind:

Could I flake and then cold press some soy oil form these beans before
making tofu? And possibly save the grinding step as a side benefit?

Can the cooked soybean cake left over after removing the soy milk be used
as a reduced protein animal feed?

Is there any food value or other use for the soy milk whey left after
filtering out the soy protein solids?

Thanks for any info/advise you all may have in this area.  Mike Miller

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