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Camp Tanr....

Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
/permaculture /intergarden/orgfarm /ecolandtech
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: Camp Tanr....

camp tanr

          Welcome to the home of the Mountain Man Webring! If you did not get here from the ring make sure you check it out (there are presently over 100 sites participating in the ring). Besides the Mountain Man Webring there is a link to Artists and Traders (this link also contains links to Mountain Man sites that are not members of the ring.),  and of course a link to my brain tanning section. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy your visit.


   SPECIAL NOTE:  I received some images (the one at the top of page is one) from a person and I lost his address before I could send him a message. If you see this please get back in touch with me!


The Healing Earth         Brain Tanning         Artists and Traders


Artists and Traders
Brain Tanning
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Pony Express

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