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Add Our Link?

Hi there,

We noticed that you provide excellent environmental services, and we at the 
Care2.com environmental community would like to be linked to your site. We 
could provide your users with the opportunity to participate in 
environmental opinion polls and trivia quizzes, a global green event 
calendar, environmental non-profit action alerts and features, personal 
profiles,  environmental feature stories, and much more.  We would be happy 
to link your site to our "Green Lynx" 
(http://www.care2.com/cgi-bin/search/care2search.cgi) database of 
environmental web sites, viewable by our 700,000+ members. Please let us 
know if you would like to work something out, or if you'd prefer, just link 
us to your site. (If you could let us know we've been added, that would be 


Thank you,
Amy Dickie
Care2 Community
The Best of the Internet... With a Green Twist