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Permaculture Information Service and Earth Repair Catalogue

Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
/permaculture /intergarden/orgfarm /ecolandtech
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
Title: Permaculture Information Service and Earth Repair Catalogue

Permaculture Magazine solutions for sustainable living

Permaculture magazine is published by Permanent Publications. This site covers most of our activities as well a wide range of permaculture topics and resources and is divided into four sections for easy browsing:

Permaculture Magazine

Contains articles about inspiring projects and people, news, reviews, solutions, a classified exchange and full details of back issues of Permaculture Magazine.

Permaculture Magazine Information Service

Introducing Permaculture and explaining the principles and practice of sustainable living.

News, regularly updated listings of permaculture courses, permaculture contacts, sites to visit in the UK, and links to related web sites.

The Earth Repair Catalogue

A comprehensive resource of books, videos and journals covering all aspects of sustainable living, from permaculture, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, ecological architecture, alternative technology to crafts and small-scale technology, human-scale economics and development, communities and groups, philosophy and green spirituality.


Permanent Publications

Press releases, whats new, how to find us, company profile etc.

Subscibe to
Permaculture Magazine
This website has been chosen by
for "its great content"
Howells on Clematis
Centre for Alternative Technology
Study Web Award
Permaculture Association (Britian)
This site is owned and run by Permanent Publications, Hyden House Ltd, The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire, UK.

The material on this Web site is copyright © 1999 and you have the right to view these pages and where applicable, to copy these pages and any images to a cache for reference by yourself only at a later date. You are not granted any other rights and the Web site owner reserves all other rights.

Any comments or ideas for improvements to this site to webweaver@permaculture.co.uk. Thanks!.

Last updated 06/10/99