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David Smith's Home Page

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Title: David Smith's Home Page

Cybernetics Design Home Page

Unique solutions for unusual problems


This site supports voluntary bandwidth limits, with no main page graphics, to preserve everyone's access to the Web.

Purpose of Cybernetics Design

Cybernetics Design provides a wide range of unique and hard to find information, mostly of a technical nature, intended to support people doing, or wanting to do technical or "hard" craft activities. I also provide useful information to people who wish to find options not often found in a normal lifestyle, such as setting up a home based business. In general, the purpose of this company is the promotion of self sufficiency or self-reliance for the individual or small group by enhancing their ability to create.

Tools and their correct use have almost become a kind of art for me, if that makes sense. I seem to get almost as much fun learning about and collecting tools as I do from using them. I'm really not sure why I like tools so much. It might be a way to understand modern complexity through home-made devices, or a personal way to harness the interesting points of modern technology.

Of course, the ability to save money by being able to fix just about anything is always useful. And anyone with access to tools will enjoy the ability to create just about anything they can dream up. And if what you want isn't here, the bookmark and links lists should provide a large hunting ground.

My own preferences, my first love, runs to metal working - blacksmithing, machine tools, and foundry work. With those you've got all the basic pieces to start your own version of the industrial revolution - first make some charcoal, use it to melt and forge metal, build some precise but simple machine tools, use those tools to build bigger and better machines, then make products for sale and use the hard currency to upgrade your shop.

All my reports are unique to Cybernetics Design, that is, I do not carry reprints of other people's work. And if you're wondering, yes, one of the roll models of my catalog was The Whole Earth Catalog. Note: I will barter or trade for my work.

This site has no "X" rated materials. What you see in my catalog is all I have to offer, there are absolutely no hidden or special access files, no files on illegal or near illegal activities or items.

Here is my catalog, order form, and more information if you're interested. about Cybernetics Design and its products. The catalog was updated on 4/6/98

Cybernetics Design is a home based business doing self publishing using print on demand techniques. I have found the combination of self publishing and printing on demand so useful and interesting I would like to share it.

"If you share this information wouldn't it cut into your profits?"

Technically yes, it could, but I have found the real life effect of another do it yourself publisher joining the ranks is nill on the ones already in the game. Don't forget, the world is larger than HUGE - there is plenty of space for all. Also, I am really interested in seeing what you have.

The Complete Self Publisher

This is a free copy of my newsletter in which I try to share what I have currently learned about self publishing and computers in general, including repairing the little beasts. This is issue #11, last updated November 2, 1996, about 2 pages. Get the current issue of The Complete Self Publisher. The earlier copies have been collected and reprinted as catalog items.

Please do not send me any "work at home" offers, or any other kind of related item. This includes E-mail spam, which I hit with a $15 read and file charge. If the page looks a bit ragged, sorry about that, it's because it is hand made, so I will learn the commands from the ground up.

Would you like to email your address, or some comments? I'm most interested in hearing from other jacks of all trades, but also wish to hear from anyone involved with a hand trade. Dilettantes too are welcome - let's swap information, ideas, addresses, guesses, or whatever else is needed.

In which I use the net to publish all kinds of interesting questions and talk with thousands of people about anything we want. Don't you just love the web?


About David Smith, the author, if you're interested.

About the Millstone Presavation Center, if you're interested.

About tool users and why there should be many more of them.

About ways to express your displeasure with the government.

The web is so big the good places are now scattered all over, and have become hard to find. So let's start a swapping point for good or interesting bookmarks. To prime the pump here are my net bookmarks so far. Send me what you've got and I'll start building a list for everyone.

There are a number of good products and good companies out there. Here's a listing of what I've found so far. Note: This is NOT a collection of paid ads, but a selection of my favorites. Send me what you've got along the same lines.

Of course, finding ways to conserve money also helps. So let's swap ideas on how to have a Champagne life on a Beer Budget. (this area started but under construction.)

Life is made much better by random acts of kindness. Here are a few things I have done.

I've been working for a long time so let's swap some technical info.

I like to collect quotes, so here is my quotes selection.


Email me at davidsmith2@mindspring.com.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert A. Heinlein

"Knowledge is wasted if it's not shared. - Unknown"

Of course I believe in free speech in the real world, too.

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Copyright ©1998 by David Smith. All rights reserved. All standard disclaimers apply.

All viewpoints expressed here are my own. (I am emphatically NOT a representative of any employer, club, plan, group, church, league, organization, or government!)

88 E. Main street, Mendham, N.J. 07945 -1832
This Page address: http://www.mindspring.com/~davidsmith2 E-mail address: davidsmith2@mindspring.com