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(fwd) Re: residental purification system

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000 21:45:53 +0100, in alt.permaculture "reedbed"
<mlomas@eircom.net> wrote:

aikiboy@my-deja.com wrote in message <8cdhao$ld5$1@nnrp1.deja.com>...
>What would you recommend for the best water purification system?
>respond to rickandphebe@worldnet.att.net

Hmm, dirty water - my favourite subject.

Are we talking purification of wastewater after it's been used, or
purification before use ?

We had a long thread recently about rainwater purification, sand
filters, UV sterilisation etc. - I think there was quite a lot of
sense in a fairly labyrinthine thread (even I got lost).

Re. purification of wastewater - the first rule is not to make any :-)
A real pc'er should be composting their human solid waste, preferably
in a twin vault composting toilet, thus reducing water consumption and
production of blackwater immensely.  Urine should be diluted 1:10 with
water an used as a plant feed, or undiluted as a compost heap
activator. The water from washing up pots and pans can be reduced by
firstly scraping the item into a pig/chicken bucket. Then the greasy
water goes to the septic tank if you have one, or a grease trap if
you're using a greywater system.
Greywater is best treated in a small reed bed system. In hotter
climes, it's then safe for use on plants.

There's some further info on this at our website
http://surf.to/NaturalTechnology  and also the CAT website
