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(fwd) Overstory - Agroforestry e-mail journal

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:58:23 +0100, in alt.permaculture Ute Bohnsack
<sustag@eircom.net> wrote:

Hi folks,

Yesterday I found an interesting free bimonthly e-mail journal
focusing on
agroforestry in the tropics. 

It covers practical concepts and information on creating sustainable,
agricultural systems using
trees and other perennial plants.

Past editions of The Overstory can be viewed at 

Even though I'm in a temperate climate I felt the content of the back
issues I
looked at was rather inspiring. So it must be *really* interesting to
those of
us who live in warmer climes.

BTW: Hello to everybody who has joined us during the past weeks. Yes,
I'm still
alive. No, I haven't been away. Yes, I have been lurking. Just been
kinda busy
planting trees & shrubs, looking after goat babies, getting seeds
sown, looking
after my good man who has to sit exams soon and trying to earn a few

I'm sorry I missed the chat. Maybe next time.
Mark, will you still be coming this way?



Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
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