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Information Please

Dear Readers:

Spring in all her glory has arrived in Nebraska, which, of course, means 
it's notebook time! I am helping Bruce Wight and Rich Straight at the 
National Agroforestry Center, www.unl.edu/nac, prepare a resource notebook 
for the 1890 Land-Grant Universities Agroforestry Conference from June 13 to 
15, 2000, at Alabama A & M University. The specifics are listed below.

We are looking for show stopping teaching materials for these agroforestry 
practices; silvopasture, forest farming, and riparian buffers. Have you put 
together a course, presentation, or hands-on exercise? Has your local Soil 
and Water Conservation District developed a great factsheet? Do you know 
farmers who are using these practices? Trees don't worry about state 
borders, and you shouldn't either. If you know of engaging educational 
materials in agroforestry, contact us. Thank you for your help.

Please send your ideas, suggestions, or materials to:
Heidi Carter
East Campus - UNL
Lincoln, NE 68583-0822
Phone: 402-437-5178, ext. 14
e-mail: hcc1728@hotmail.edu

1890 Land-Grant Universities Agroforestry Conference

Sponsors include:
Forest Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Agricultural Research Service
Alabama A&M University
National Agroforestry Center

States include:
Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, 
Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, 
Tennessee, Texas, Virginia

Increase knowledge of regional agroforestry practices
Incorporate agroforestry modules into coursework

Build a network of faculty interested in agroforestry
Provide contact information of specialists and practitioners
Provide lesson plans and resource materials for modules on silvopasture, 
forest farming, and riparian buffers. Other topics are alley cropping, wind 
breaks, and specialty applications.

Faculty from 1890s institutions

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