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Worm Composting (vermicomposting) books, videos, worm bins, redworms - WormWoman.com, Mary Appelhof's site

Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
lflondon@mindspring.com    london@metalab.unc.edu
http://metalab.unc.edu/ecolandtech    Ecolandtech
http://metalab.unc.edu/permaculture  Permaculture
http://metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO
Title: Worm Composting (vermicomposting) books, videos, worm bins, redworms - WormWoman.com, Mary Appelhof's site

Welcome to WormWoman's Web Site

  Vermicomposting (worm composting) is a kind of composting particularly suitable for converting organic waste to nutrient-rich food for plants.It is garbage disposal at its best because recycling is done on-site. Redworms, also known as red wigglers, or Eisenia fetida, live in an aerated worm bin with a cellulose-based bedding, and eat not only the food waste, but the bacteria, fungi, and protozoa which decompose it. Worm castings (their manure) help grow more beautiful flowers, tastier vegetables, more productive fruits. Vermicomposting contributes not only to water conservation, energy conservation, and soil preservation, but helps one get closer to a zero waste goal.

If the emphasis is on converting organic waste to vermicompost, call it vermicomposting. If the emphasis is on increasing the number and biomass of worms, call it vermiculture, or worm farming.

Whatever you call it, give worm composting a try, and join the thousands of people who can say, "Worms Eat My Garbage." That just happens to be the title of my book, which tells you everything you need to know about how to set up your own vermicomposting system. Click on one of the options below to find books, videos, worm bins, worms, or more about WormWoman.


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