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[Fwd: salad harvest systems]

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Subject: salad harvest systems
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I was forwarded your request for information about the salad mix harvest 
system by a member of the market-farming listserve.

Our project has been working on ergonomics and fresh market vegetable 
farming for a few years now.  Our website has tipsheets on:  mesh bags, 
standard containers, dibble drums, narrow pallet systems, sit-down
carts, packing shed organization, and hands-free spray washers.  See 
www.bse.wisc.edu/hfhp for more information.  Follow links for vegetable 
growers, and go to tip sheet page -- we are currently updating the 
information and trying to make easier to download forms so there may be 
some blind links.

The mesh bag tip sheet has contact information for a couple of companies 
that sell the mesh bags.  The spinner if it was hand cranked, costs
150 dollars and is available from restaurant supply houses.  There is a 
stainless steel, electric model that is over 1,000 dollars and is quite 
useful.  By far the most cost effective and easiest to find model is a
clothes washing machine with the spindle removed and set at "spin"

I hope this helps.  Feel free to email or call if you have any further 

Bob Meyer
Senior Outreach Specialist
UW-Biological Systems Engineering
460 Henry Mall
Madison, WI  53706