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Re:Courses & Events at Djanbung

Courses & Events at Djanbung Gardens

August 20-25  
ECO-VILLAGE & Sustainable Communities Course 

with Robyn Francis & Peter Cuming. Special guest tutors include Wroth 
Wall (legal factors), Robert Rosen (Comm. Eco-nomics & public housing), 
Wendy Sarkissian (Social planning). 
An empowering course embracing the full spectrum of visible & invisible 
structure design and participatory community development with people at 
the leading edge of sustainable settlement design, planning, legal 
frameworks and social ecology. 
For the past 30 years Northern NSW has been a focal point for alternative 
lifestyle, intentional community, local, national & international 
environmental and political activism, organics, permaculture and 
bioregional development. 
This course provides a unique chance to experience and tap into this 
wealth of experience and real life examples with tutors who have been at 
the forefront of innovative change from the grass roots through to 
influencing policy on Local, Regional and State government levels. 
$660-440 (sliding scale: waged/unwaged/low income)

Sept. 1-15 
Permaculture Design Course  
with Robyn Francis and guest tutors incl. Janelle Schafer, Peter Gould & 
Peter Hardwick. Refresher PDC placements available.

Oct 8-13 Bushfoods & Natives in Pc Design 
with Peter Hardwick, ethnobotanist, permaculture designer and leading 
authority on bushfoods of Nthn NSW/SEQld, passionate about creating 
balanced productive ecologies that respectfully integrate local flora & 
fauna into our landscapes, diet and culture.

Oct.  19-21 Permaculture gathering & Forum
Permaculture Teachers Forum Fri 19th  Pc Practitioners Gathering 2001, 
Sat 20-Sun 21st\

October 22-27 
Permaculture for Third World & Indigenous Peoples Course 
with Robyn Francis & special guest Rosemary Morrow

further info:

Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education Centre
home to: 
Permaculture Education
ERDA Institute Trust
Nimbin Eco-Village Project Office
Robyn Francis - permaculture designer & educator
PO Box 379, Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
Ph 02-6689 1755 Fax 02-6689 1225
permed@nor.com.au  www.earthwise.org.au