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Re: garden website update- our allotment ariel photo

At 01:38 PM 8/4/01 +0100, you wrote:

>Ariel photo of our allotment sites added to my Urban Permaculture garden
>website http://pages.unisonfree.net/gburnett/Garden/ , also my article about
>allotments and permaculture which appeared in the last issue of Permaculture
>Magazine (issue 28), hope it's of interest,
>Cheers all,
>Graham Burnett

That's a lovely green blob you have there, Graham! :)



Loren Davidson        Permaculturist, philosopher, writer
loren@farwalker.com   http://www.earthspring.org/loren/
AIM: loren334     ICQ: 65291610
"We have to create the future, or others will do it for us" - Gen. S. 
Ivanova, ret.