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Re: Call for articles

Toby Hemenway wrote:

> I'll be editing issue #44 of The Permaculture Activist. The theme is
> Earthworking and Energy, and I'm soliciting articles, short and long,
> ideally with illustrations of some sort. Given that The Activist is North
> American, articles should be useful for those on that continent, but
> relevant submissions from elsewhere are welcome if the logistics can be
> worked out. Contact me for details.
> -Toby
> We're looking for articles on, but not restricted to, the following subjects:
> Ponds and dams
> Planting ponds and other earthworks
> Methods of sealing a dam.
> Dam sizes and machine requirements.
> Working with earthmoving machines
> How to estimate and hire equipment
> Roadbuilding
> Erosion control and soil stabilization
> Innovative drainage systems
> Swales-laying out, constructing, etc.
> Soil qualities for earthwork
> Animal-powered earthworking
> Keyline system
> Community scale power generation
> Biomass and biogas power
> Low tech (wood etc.) versus high-tech (PV) energy systems