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Re: PC demo in Lesotho

I'm taking the liberty of forwarding your letter to a Permaculture listserv. Hope
they can help.
Please remember NOT to just hit reply, but send directly to Henry at:

Gtiraleighnc@aol.com wrote:

> My daughter graduated from ASU and then joined the Peace Corps and is
> assigned to Lesotho.  Part of her assignment is to teach and setup a
> demonstration of Permaculture.  She has some experience having cosponsored a
> "City seeds" project in Asheville and another in Boone.  But those are a far
> cry from the arid and much higher altitude climate of northern Lesotho, not
> to mention the lack of vegetation. Could you advise me what I should be
> sending over in reference material or advice ("come home" doesn't work)?  She
> tells me the Peace Corps library has nothing of much use.
> Thank you in advance for any information you can spare.
> My address is:
> Henry Lengefeld
> 3404 Stallion Ct.
> Raleigh, NC 27613
> Her address is:
> Beth Lengefeld - PCV
> US Peace Corps
> PO Box 554
> Maseru 100, Lesotho