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Re: Mockingbird Behavior, signs of spring

I, too, have a mocker that quite often recently has been perched atop a suet 
feeder, chowing down. Two brown-headed nuthatches and a brown creeper have 
also been steady customers of late. I have lots of cardinals and have also 
heard them singing recently. On Monday, while doing the GBBC, I saw 2 
flickers engaged in what certainly looked like mating behavior - lots of tail 
spreading, little hops along a branch, both moving first toward each other, 
then away, then moving in the same direction. The tree that had been their 
nesting place for the last 2 years had to be cut down this fall and I 
despaired about depriving them of their home. So when I saw them Monday, I 
became hopeful that they'd found a new cavity for this year's nest.

One day during the GBBC, I had 26 species in my yard, including a fox sparrow 
that I'd only seen once before in the 25 years I've lived here. As my kids 
would say, WOOHOO!

Carol Williamson
Durham, NC