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purple martins and cowbirds

had cowbirds at my feeder yesterday along with a grackle, but most
excitedly I think the purple martins are back at Hillsborough walmart. Yes
it is a weird place for them but they have been there as long as I have
been here.  Also of note there was a large bird sitting on one of the
supports after the martins retired for the night.  It flew off but didn't
fly or have the shape of an accipiter so I am clueless in Hillsborough. 
Also the other day a small kettle (I hope the is politically correct) of
vultures descended on the communications tower on I 40 and also in the
trees opposite the tower.  It was a sight.  Last weekend, the pond was
lifeless except for a few ring necked ducks the resident mute swans
(doesn't anyone want them) and Canadas some of which looked like they were
nesting however I saw no nest material.  Usually you can see some sticks
and feathers underneath.  Hope to see them this weekend.  barb brooks

--- Barbara Brooks
--- brooksba@mindspring.com
   Hillsborough, NC
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