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RE: Brown Creeper in Downtown Columbia

The most recent Brown Creeper (and the first in a VERY long time) I observed
a few weeks ago in my neighborhood (Lake Norman, NC).  He was clambering on
the trunks of a pair of Willow Oaks.  I don't know that BRCRs prefer one
tree-type over another, but I suspect that they may eschew those with smooth
bark as not "niche-y" enough to be good foraging grounds - or, perhaps, even
to afford suitable purchase.

Tomm "sings for his succor" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu 
> [mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu] On Behalf Of Bob Wood
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 06:06
> To: Carolinabirds
> Subject: Brown Creeper in Downtown Columbia
> Walking back to a lawyer's office in downtown Columbia 
> yesterday after a break in a depostion I saw a Brown Creeper 
> crash twice against the side of a glass-walled building. He 
> then flew over to an oak tree and assumed his standard 
> uphill, creeper-like position. I've never seen a creeper 
> downtown (literally 50' off of Main Street), and I don't 
> recall ever having seen one on anything other than a pine 
> tree. I think he was lost and a little out of whack. I 
> stepped to within 10' of him for a quick non-binocular 
> glimpse before I left him alone. Neat to see, but I felt 
> sorry for the little guy.