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I just returned home from a day of birding at Lake Mattamuskeet and Pungo NWR
with my friend Gordon Smith.

The highlight of the day was a very unexpected and cold LEAST BITTERN in Lake
Landing impoundment # MI-8W at the SE corner of Lake Mattamuskeet.  Evidently
this bird is either going to try to winter there, and/or it is making a very
tardy migration south.  If anyone would even like to make an attempt to
relocate this bird, you can start where we saw it, which was about 200 yards
east of the swan banding station on the north side of the dike in the marsh
reeds.  Pay attention to the NWR signs, since they close the access to this
area periodically to band the Tundra Swans.

We also saw three BALD EAGLES (one adult and two 1st or 2nd year birds)
flying over impoundment # MI-8E.  There were two ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS on
the Wildlife Drive.  Expected winter species such as Sapsuckers, Kinglets and
Bonaparte's Gulls are around the lake in addition to the expected waterfowl.  
Numerous species of raptors were in the area.  Pungo was extremely quiet.

-Brad Carlson
Winterville, NC