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Jordan Lake area 12/9

Took a day trip to the east side of the Jordan Lake area (Chatham 
County, NC) today (Saturday 12/9). Land birding was very slow. Went 
to three sites:

Farrington boat ramps:
Saw Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, and heard just one White-throat. A 
few other winter residents: Hermit Thrush (3, one avidly eating Ilex 
decidua berries), Ruby and Golden-crowned Kinglets (just a few).  One 
immature Bald Eagle was seen soaring. White-throat numbers there seem 
much lower than usual. Has anybody else noticed low numbers of them 
in the Triangle area? I am wondering if last winter's blizzard took a 
heavy toll.

Crosswinds Marina:
The usual gang of Ring-billed Gulls and Double Crested Cormorants. 
There was a nice group of Bonaparte's gulls (30+) foraging close to 
shore and over the marina area. Three Pied-billed Grebes were hanging 
around as well. Two more eagles seen circling high above the lake.

Ebenezer Point:
Saw similar birds to those seen by Roger Shaw (Horned Grebe, gulls), 
but missed the Wigeon and the Mergansers. We did see a small raft of 
Redheads, perhaps 10 or so. There was quite a bit of chop on the 
lake, interfering with bird spotting.

Patrick Coin
Durham, NC