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National Audubon Society

I would like to add a word in support of John Connor's posting n NAS.  I
too have been associated with NAS and Christmas Bird Counts for many
years - 30 plus in my case.  I was president of a chapter in New Jersey
and compiler for the Great Swamp/Watchung Ridges count for several
years.  NAS has done some things with which I do not agree and which
have been counter-productive.  Chapters are a problem.  Some attract new
members - others do not.  Some support conservation projects and
educational projects and others do not.  Our New Jersey chapter grew
from a bird club and we remained a bird club.  We channeled a portion of
our dues share to conservation efforts, but we were never able build
much in the way of direct conservation activities within the club.
Thus, NAS was getting very little from our club in return for the dues
share.  I thought the overhaul of Audubon magazine some years ago was
counter productive.  It lost readership and quickly disappeared from
dentist and doctor offices.

Unlike a number of my birding friends in New Jersey, I have maintained
my support of NAS for reasons such those articulated by John Connors.
The value of the organization far outweighs the problems and concerns on
which we tend to focus.

I too would hate to loose the Christmas Count issue in its present form.
It boogles my mind that only 1800 copies are sold, given the number of
Christmas Count participants.  To me it says something about the depth
of interest on the part of many of today's birders.  I'm quite sure that
the summary level described would not meet my needs.  I'd have to look
at one before deciding to continue ordering it.


Charles R. (Dick) Burk
Pinehurst, NC