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Strange goings-on at Medcalf L.


It's 1:15 and the Cinnamon Teal has been very elusive although he came by
the dock once with a female  duck which sure looks like it could be his kind
of woman.

Alas his hide and go seek is proving frustrating for a birding couple trying
to see.

It is indeed a strange day.  I had decided to name the male Black-chinned HB
"Zorro" just because it seemed to fit him, but when I went to locate him, he
was having a beak to beak confrontation with the other hummer.  And the
other hummer, ole panty-waist, was giving as good as it got.  Maybe it was a
different hummer.  They flew down the street so I didn't wait for them to
come back.

Made a cake  for our Anniversary and it fell.  There's something about high
humidity and living at low sea level.  Talk about off-topics but if anyone
can tell me how to prevent this I'd appreciate it.  Indeed, a strange day.

But now for my really good news.
No thanks to the Black-chinned but got yardbird #175, Yippee; as a menage a
trois of Redhead Ducks cruised by the lot 4 times.  They usually are on Twin
Lakes' East Lake, and finally made it over here.  After no new yard birds in
several years, I am so tickled at this past week's harvest.

Happy counting to you dedicated CBC'ers.  Glad I'm not in Minnesota.  At
least one of their scheduled counts today has to be re-scheduled due to

Mary McDavit,