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Garden City Area

Report of Thursday morning 
A. Pond on west side of 17byp, near red Texaco Station, about .5 mi north of 
Garden City Connector road:  
     ring-necked ducks  45
     Am coots  21

B.  Indian Wells Golf Course (along Garden City Connector) pond
      Am wigeon   5
      mallards  23

C. Garden City Pier
     Northern Gannet   ??1000,s ??  from north to south. Most I have seen at 
one time. Feeding /diving constantly.  Great  "air show".

      Common Loon   in the 100,s
       Red-throated Loon  approx 20  (maybe more but I still have difficulty 
distinguishing from com loon unless close)

Jim Bardsley
Murrells Inlet, SC