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Crossbills and siskins

Dear Carolinabirds list and Blue Ridge Birders:

It looks as if the party is over on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Scouting the
area from MP 225 to MP 230 today produced only half-a-dozen red crossbills
and no siskins where Sunday there were at least half-a-thousand. Numbers
have dropped each day since Sunday.

Most of the reports are now in on the New River and Stone Mountain CBC's,
showing extremely low numbers of juncos, all sparrows, thrushes,
blackbirds, and wrens in the mountains, with nearly normal numbers in the
piedmont portion of the Stone Mtn CBC. The only near normal numbers of all
of these families in the mountains were found by the parties working the
lowest elevation area along the New River near Independence, around 2500'
elevation. We did get record numbers of waterfowl, though nothing really
unusual, and one turkey flock of, believe it or not, 201 birds. (No, they
weren't white and in a barn- I can hear the snickers already)

James Coman
Blue Ridge Birders