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hawk totals

The "official" Caesars Head Hawk Migration Totals for 2000 have been
compiled and sent to HMANA. This completes the 13th year of coverage for
this site.
Here is a summary of the results. 

Hawk watchers spent 249.7 hours covering 54 days from September 2 through 27
November. The following were counted:

36	Black Vultures
954	Turkey Vultures
2	Mississippi Kites
20	Osprey (season high record)
5	Bald Eagles (season high record)
5	Northern Harriers 
93	Sharp-shinned Hawks
26	Cooper's Hawks
2	Red-shouldered Hawks
8170	Broad-winged Hawks
76	Red-tailed Hawks
16	American Kestrels
1	Merlin
14	Peregrine Falcons
46	unidentified raptors

9488	Total

Season highlights included:

*	2449 hawks (2444 broad-wings) counted on September 17, 2000.
*	2180 hawks (2156 broad-wings) counted on September 23, 2000.
*	1724 hawks (1700 broad-wings) counted on September 24, 2000.
*	Two seperate Mississippi kites represents the 2nd and 3rd count
*	321 Turkey Vultures were counted on October 10, 2000.
*	Red-tails began appearing in late October (23 counted on October 31
and 18 on November 1). 
*	Count total represents 3rd best count on record (10,600 birds
counted in 1996).
*	Hours covered represents second best effort on record (261.1 hours
in 1995).

Many observers deserve recognition but special thanks to Jeff Catlin, Reece
Mitchell and Elizabeth Galloway for most hours observed.

Irvin Pitts, count compilor.