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Horry County & Marion County Birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, Gary Phillips and I birded mostly in southwest Horry
County-Punchbowl (Punchpole) Landing, New Road in Conway, Pitts Landing,
and the gravel sand plant road just inside Marion County. All told 41
species. N=new road P=punchbowl L=pitts M=sand plant road.

Pied-billed Grebe-4 at P
Great Blue Heron-1 at N
Great Egret-2 at N
Wood Duck-7 at N
Black Vulture-4 at P
Turkey Vulture-6 at NPL
N. Harrier-1 at M
Red-tailed Hawk-2 PM
Am. Kestrel-2 at NP
Killdeer-3 at M
Ring-billed Gull-numerous at L. Busbee near New Road
Herring Gull-a few at L. Busbee near New Road
Great Black-backed Gull-4 adults at L. Busbee
Mourning Dove-a few at Pitts Landing
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3 NP
N. Flicker-4 NPL
E. Phoebe-2 LM
Blue Jay-2 at P
Am. Crow-3 at PM
Fish Crow-2 at N
Carolina Chickadee-10 at NPL
Tufted Titmouse-5 at PL
Carolina Wren-1 at N
House Wren-3 at PM
Golden-crowned Kinglet-5 at PL
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-7 at NPL
E. Bluebird-2 at P
Hermit Thrush-2 at P
N. Mockingbird-2 at M
Loggerhead Shrike-1 at P
Yellow-rumped Warbler-12 at NP
Pine Warbler-1 at P
Palm Warbler-3 (Eastern race) at P
N. Cardinal-5 PM
Chipping Sparrow-a few at P
Field Sparrow-15 PM
Savannah Sparrow-1 at P
Song Sparrow-30 at PM
Swamp Sparrow-10 at PM
White-throated Sparrow-7 at PM
Dark-eyed Junco-20 at PM
Red-winged Blackbird-15 crossing 378 while traveling home.

Good birding, Good company.



Jack Peachey
Conway, SC