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Re: Mississippi Kite in late February???

Hi Harry,
    There were three observers that ID'd the MIKI; Dr. Richard Moore, Pete
Worthington and "a lady" in the group. I spoke with Richard, and he related
the bird was well seen overhead (not a distant speck,) the markings were
clear and that they even noticed it "moving its tail, like kites often do."
He also remarked that he and Pete both got on the bird and called out the ID
simultaneously. I haven't been in contact with Pete W.  We're going to take
the trip list, and try to get in touch with "the lady," who is reportedly
from an area where she is familiar with MIKI as a breeding bird. Richard is
not aware of anyone having photographed the bird.
    Just for the fun of it: Post & Gauthreaux in "Status and Distribution of
SC Birds" (1989) state MIKI is "casual on coastal plain in winter" and offer
3 records, all in February: 2/2/36, 2/16/71, 2/24/74. McNair & Post in
"Supplement to Status and Distribution of SC Birds" (1993) state these "are
questionable" due to "no details available," and then go on to say "the
earliest credible reports are in early April," but provide no specific
date(s). Given the prior account, a sighting on 2/24/01 would not be
    Ah, the joy of birding...


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker
-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Legrand <harry.legrand@ncmail.net>
To: Gary Phillips <axis1@sccoast.net>; carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu
Date: Monday, February 26, 2001 8:16 AM
Subject: Mississippi Kite in late February???

>A Mississippi Kite in late February?  I really doubt that. I know they
>breed in the area, but they shouldn't be back until late April at the
>earliest. I hope there is some verification for the report.
>Harry LeGrand
>Gary Phillips wrote:
>> Hi y'all,
>>     With today's take, we're up to 159. The latest goodies:
>> Snow Goose - Santee Coastal Reserve
>> Lesser Scaup - Waites Island (first of the year 'round these parts.)
>> Mississippi Kite - Santee Coastal Reserve
>> Lesser Black-backed Gull - Huntington Beach jetty
>> N. Parula - Bull Island (Cape Romain NWR)
>> Bachman's Sparrow - Santee Coastal Reserve
>>     Half-a-day to go....
>> Woohoo!
>> Gary
>> Gary Phillips
>> Conway, SC
>>  Zone 8
>> axis1@sccoast.net
>> "Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker
>> Percy)
>Harry LeGrand
>NC Natural Heritage Program
>1615 MSC
>Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
>(919) 715-8687 (work)
>FAX: 919-715-3085
>e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net