
Territoires vécus, territoires voulus, territoires figurés

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June 21 to September 13, 1997

FRAC et Palazzu Naziunale

La Citadelle
20250 Corte, Corsica/ France

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Group exhibition curated by Anne Alessandri and Christophe Domino

A publication accompanies the exhibition : « Géographiques - territoires vécus, territoires voulus, territoires figurés », 127 pages, french texts by Ch. Domino and Anne Alessandri, B&W and colour reproductions.

Artists exhibited

Richard Long, Alighiero e Boetti, Art and Language, Ian Baxter, Marcel Broodthaers, Peter Fend, Luciano Fabro, Ange Leccia, Claudio Parmiggiani, Sophie Ristelhueber...

Press Release

« This exhibition brings together works by 22 contemporary artists who in various ways explore geographical concepts. Whether it be the lived experience of a site, a utopia, a moment in memory or a re-interpretation of cartography, each work is a reminder that Geography is not merely school knowledge but rather the combination of realities that we make and that make us up. »...

...« Pat Badani questions the scale of representations through her graphic speculations constructed as didactic plates. With materials pulled from the ordinary such as bread-dough or sand, she builds 3D structures resembling minimal housing units through which she projects eco-architectural dreams of a Borgesian imaginary at a world-scale and traces the body as geography. »...


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"And-Sand", documentary plate (detail), 260cm. x 120cm

(photos, photo-montages, watercolours, drawings, collages)

Excerpts from the text by Christophe Domino, published in the catalogue "Géographiques" p. 90 to 101 / translated from the French by P.B.:

"...Drawings, photographs, photo-montages, the images belong to an imaginary of personal mythologies and founding references of occidental culture...

...Along the lines of an unconstrained science-fiction, the artist proposes an anticipatory vision, a projective attitude...

...Pat Badani's plates decompose the phases of a very concrete "recherche", very material, very tactile and gently delirious...

...Action photos and quasi-technical drawings, offer the possibility of associations in a visual trajectory through a technological and poetic reverie that produces synthetic islands and postmodern machines for habitation. Filtering, recycling, preoccupations with mobility and autonomy, mastery over water and over vegetative growth, Pat Badani's visions speak of the world such as it is and such as it could be, aided by geographical diagramatics and by a kind of graphic naivity that allows for the improbable encounter between image and myth..."

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photo from the "And-Sand" documentary plate

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watercolours from the "And-Sand" documentary plate

"...Michel Serres could have well used the artist's work as reference when he wrote (Atlas: 1994): "In the same way as the sciences and technologies, henceforth, concern themselves with the possible more so than with the real, our transports and our encounters, our habitations will equally be made virtual more often than real from now on. Will we be able to live in such virtualities?" (excerpt from the catalogue Géogaphiques", p. 101)

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Designed for the ocean waters, "Floating Island" is a nomadic habitation plan for a single family, a city...

Projects 2006 - 1999
-New Media Projects
-Where Life is Better
Projects 1999 - 1997
-Cultures & Ferments
Projects 1997 - 1993
-R'èvolution des Particules
Professional Information
-Biographic Note
-Statement / Texts
e-mail: pbadani@ilstu.edu

all images © Pat Badani 1990-2006