Pat Badani

(brief biographical note)

Pat Badani is an intermedia artist working with new and existing technologies and their current discourses. Her works embrace, performative situations, photography, video, installation and cultural research to examine notions of space, place, cities, communication and global processes.

She has participated in more than 100 interventions, exhibitions and screenings in galleries, museums, contemporary art-centers and new media festivals in several countries. She has been awarded 17 individual artist grants, and her works form part of public and private collections. She has taught and given lectures in various institutions in Canada, France, Mexico and the USA. Currently, she is Assistant Professor of Integrated Media in the School of Art at Illinois State University, where she is creating a new curriculum and studio area in relation to digital media.

She has lived in Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, France, Canada and the USA. In the course of this itinerary embracing the Americas and Europe, Pat Badani develops works that explore concepts related to the production of space. In the last decade, intermedia projects articulate notions surrounding the home, the city and the territory.

“me & u” (2005-06) is an interactive, screen-based installation involving concept research, digital image capture & manipulation, physical interaction design, software design, motion sensors & microcontrollers. The project investigates how spatial relationships and territorial boundaries directly influence our daily encounters. An individual’s animated gaze reacts to the viewer's proximity. (Recipient of 2006 ISU Research Grant.)

"Where are you from", explores the Utopian imagination in world travel and migratory global processes. Notions of belonging articulated through mobility are revealed through 3-language video-clips (English/French/Spanish) with testimonies from citizens-at-large collected since 2002 in several world cities. The project was awarded a major 2002 Canada Council Media Arts Research Grant to Established Artists (CAD$20.000) resulting in the web-based work titled “Where are you from?_Stories,” screened in various international New Media Festivals.  The associated research paper has been presented in several colloquia and international symposiums, amongst which:

- “FILE International Electronic Festival & Symposium ‘05” (FIESP, São Paulo, Brazil)

-“Technography, New Forms Festival ’04” (The Vancouver Art Gallery, BC, Canada)

- “[R][R][F] 2004-05[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]” (Cologne, Germany)

"Home Transfer" is an interactive and participatory web-based project exploring contemporary notions of home at the intersection of architecture and new technologies. It has been selected and shown in festivals and symposiums on digital technology in Bristol, London, Bangkok, Athens, Lavrion, Sofia, Belgrade, Frankfurt, Barcelona, New York and Paris, amongst which:

-"Net_Working" (Watershed Media Center. Bristol, UK)

-"De-Globalizing/Re-Globalizing" (Medi@terra_01. Traveling, the Balkans)

-"NETaforas v.3" (MECAD Media Center. Barcelona, Spain)

-"Revelations" (ISEA 2000. Paris, France)

She has conducted temporary interventions in autonomous zones in urban and non-urban spaces, amongst which "Housebroken" in 1999, "And-Sand" and "Borderlines" in 1997, as well as community projects like "Cultures and Ferments" in 1999 and "Urban Projects" in 1997.

"Tower-Tour" a hybrid installation exploring the Myth of the Tower of Babel and its representations, was developed through a period of three years in collaboration with the food industry. It was first exhibited at the Canadian Cultural Center in Paris, France in 1997.This same year, her work was included in the group exhibition "Geographiques" at the FRAC et Palazzo Nazionale in Corsica (France), at the side of Richard Long, Peter Fend, Ange Leccia and Sophie Riestelhueber.

"R'evolution des particules", an installation work elaborated over two years at the cross-roads between two texts, the Myth of Creation and Paul Auster's "In the Country of Last Things", was exhibited at the Maison de L'Amerique Latine in Paris in 1994.

Pat Badani counts with numerous collaborations and co-authored works, amongst which "La mise en songe" an interactive book-object with Quebec poet Claude Beausoleil and "Directions-Direcciones" a trilingual CD-ROM project with Zygote Multimedia Productions in France.

Projects 2006 - 1999
-New Media Projects
-Where Life is Better
Projects 1999 - 1997
-Cultures & Ferments
Projects 1997 - 1993
-R'èvolution des Particules
Professional Information
-Biographic Note
-Statement / Texts

all images © Pat Badani 1990-2006