Permaculture Online

Len & Bev's new block of ground - Part 2

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Left: (13) Close up of the wetland showing the first 3 water holes that comprise the start of 1 creek which flows to the south - south/west which is to the right of shot.
Right: (14) The next shot showing the water holes running horizontal from the left of shot through the center of shot to the right. The holes show as the darker patches.

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Left: (15) The catchment for the dam looking up to the north and the land fill area. the north boundary is where that dense bush is, the road is beyond that.
Right: (16) A closer shot of the dam looking to the east boundary. The funny white blotches beyond that thick little tree in mid shot are cows.

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Left: (17) Looking from the dam wall to the western boundary gate. Just beyond the horizon is the western fence line.
Right: (18) Looking south/west from the dam wall toward the house site, the house site will be on that ridge just to the left of centre picture. The dense trees over the back of shot represent the southern boundary.

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Left: (19) Looking south across the wetland from the dam to the wooded area and the second creek. The southern boundary is not visible from here.
Right: (22) The view north-north/west up the dam catchment to the solid fill area. The dense trees at the top represent the northern boundary.

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