As of this afternoon, 420 people had registered and have been sent tickets for the October 26th talk by Craig Silverstein! The hall only holds 500 people. After those 500 are filled, I understand that a video fed room will be added — kinda like the “cry room” in old movie theatres or in current mega-churches.

The Health Sciences Library site for the talk
has been updated to include a bit about the panelists — all good folks who will get to respond to Criag’s talk and to ask any of your questions that Craig may have not quite addressed in that talk — Dean Barbara Rimer of the School of Public Health, Dean Jose-marie Griffiths of the School of Information and Library Science, Health Sciences Library Director Carol Jenkins, and Social Networking expert Fred Stutzman. The panel moderator will be the immoderate Paul Jones.

In case you’ve forgotten, the dope about the talk is here in this blog and here at the Health Sciences Library site.