Accept no substitutes

PT Saga Over?

I’ve had absolutely no problems with my 2001 PT since the sensors were replaced. No more stalling and great performance. The end of this past week, I gave it the acid test: 5 hours on the Interstate from here to DC. It worked great. I of course was a little excited as I pulled off the highway to refuel in rural Virginia. I did have my AAA card out and the number on my autodial hot list. But I didn’t need it. Finally. Woo Woo!



    I tripped upon your site early this spring and was delighted to know that someone was experiencing the exact same problems I had been having with my 2001 PT last summer. My mechanic tried in vain to figure it out. I gave him a copy of your journal, and, voila! the crank shaft and cam shaft sensors were replaced. No more problems!

  2. Adam

    Paul – do you know where the crankshaft sensor is located?

  3. Paul

    Yes. see the image and descriptions in this article

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