I’ll be speaking about contributor-run digital libraries at Duke‘s John Hope Franklin Center‘s TechTuesdays on Tuesday January 23. We’re delaying the start of the talk from the regular TechTuesday time — starting at noon:30. The announcement is below and on the ISIS TechTuesday site. I’ll be creating a wiki entry for the talk to which you may add stuff if you like and/or you can leave comments on what I should be saying to this post.

ISIS TechTuesdays featuring Paul Jones
January 23, 2007, 12:30-1:45 PM
John Hope Franklin Center 240

Paul Jones, founder of sunsite.unc.edu and director of ibiblio.org, will present “Participatory Digital Libraries – Past and Futures; the ibiblio trends,” in which he will talk about experiences and futures of Contribtor-run Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories with some particular focus on the ibiblio tends. This will be somewhat of an update of his paper “Open (source)ing the doors for contributor-run digital libraries.[PDF]” Communications of the ACM. Volume
44 , Issue 5 (May 2001). Also at http://ibiblio.org/pjones/presskit/ACM-p45-jones.pdf
or if you prefer the Japanese language version http://www.ibiblio.org/pjones/presskit/p45-jones.jp.pdf.