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Hillsborough == Carrboro TNG?

Cup A Hillsborough
Sitting at the Cup A Joe this morning in Hillsborough where I picked up the latest Carrboro Citizen, the hyperlocal paper of Carrboro, while the folks across the way speculated on the exact opening date for Weaver Street Hillsborough Edition when I ran into a local politico and asked, somewhat teasingly, did he think that former Carrboro Mayor Mike Nelson would be running for Mayor of Hillsborough now that he has moved up that way. Of course not County Commish Mike has other plans, but a lot of the great funkiness of Carrboro is up in Hillsborough too. The Last Friday Arts events. The new Poet Laureate (Mike Troy who was there at Cup A Joe. The writerly hang out (Lee Smith and Hal Crowther dropped in whilst I was there at Cuppa). But also something more — the two lattes in front of me in line were discussing historic preservation with the kind of engagement that is reserved for discussions of growth in Carrboro. These were/are pros at preservation.


  1. Anonymous

    Oh PLEASE don’t let Hillsborough turn into Carrboro! The charm about the town is that it is full of REAL people. I’d hate to see that squeezed out by the fakeness of funkiness.

  2. Paul

    Carrboro people not real? Carrborators are always real in their own fashion.

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