We’re in warm and dry Sebastopol after a slow drive up 101 from SFO. Very slow and not intentionally so. We did stop for a lunch at 3:30 EDT for lunch near Union Square at Sears Fine Food (pictures to come).

Sebastopol is a small but very California town. Old drive in burger places but also Whole Foods and Bikram Yoga and Starbucks as well as a Crystal Shop that is not selling the kind of wedding presents you’d buy in Graham, NC. I will have pictures up later from the Camp which is growing even now.

I think the FOO Bar is getting ready to open and the afternoon is underway. So far the swag is lovely even if the campers are as lovely as you could expect.
One surprise is that Pamela Jones of Groklaw was scheduled to be here. Neither Fred nor I have even seen Pamela. But the new news is that she’s still in NYC. Flash: she emailed Fred a couple of hours ago.
More soon.