Accept no substitutes

Harvard Blog Conf: Gloves coming off

Journalists take off the gloves and start punching now that computer guy, will find the name, compares them to mainframe computer people.
NYTimes Jill Abramson takes the bait first and never gives up.
MSNBC’s (Rick Kaplan? Jon Bonne?) says that there is a blog associated with every MSNBC show. He loves them bloggers. But who will assure quality and, of course the title of the conference, credibility. Decries that mistakes are seen as willful in news these days in the eyes of citizens. MSNBC ran 19,000 citizen-shot videos about the tsuinami. Says that commentators, like Scarboro, are not fact checked?!?
Jimmy Wales holds up wikipedia as an example of a success. He holds that wikipedia is better than old school pedias. That gets the old school journalists all jazzed up. In particular, NYTime-sters. He says that IBM survived the end of the mainframe. So NYTimes can too — if they are willing to change.
Voice I don’t recognize says that cable news has moved from new to commentary — for cheapness.
Powerline John Hinderaker talks about the power of links as a source of trust and of access to more data etc.

1 Comment

  1. Ruby Sinreich

    Thanks so much for blogging this conference, Paul! I wanted to pay attention, but I haven’t had time to follow the webcasts.

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