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Phil Meyer interview in interesting times

Mark Schultz of the Chapel Hill News’ Orange Chat did a two part interview with my colleague Phil Meyer about the Vanishing Newspaper — just as the News and Observer is doing some tough reporting on the Governor and being rumored to be cutting staff. [The rumor as regards the Chapel Hill News turns out to be true]

In Part One, Phil says:

“If you’re looking for a way to do business as you’ve always done it, I’m sorry there isn’t any. The world has moved on, and the newspaper industry has awakened to that fact too late.”

In Part Two, he tells Schultz (and us):

“There will always be somebody to supply the reader the information that he or she needs. It might be something like the Raleigh Chrionicle [sic – so much for quality editing – pj], which is growing right in front of your nose.”

NOTE: Unfortunately, the Raleigh Chronicle isn’t staying independent. This just in:

The Raleigh Chronicle 14.APR.08
RALEIGH – After serving over a million readers in the Raleigh community, the locally owned Raleigh Chronicle will close on Tuesday, as another newspaper purchases the publication. A more detailed story will appear on Tuesday, the final day of publication for the Raleigh Chronicle.

1 Comment

  1. BrianR

    The Carrboro Citizen is a good example of how newspapers should adapt.

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