Reese NewsMeredith Clark‘s first Reese News article is “Professor quits e-mail for social media” about the #noemail project. Meredith covers the bases and talks to some good UNC folks including my social-phobic email-loving legal colleague Anne Klinefelter (Anne, I’m easy arrange a coffee meeting with. See my calendar. Add a meeting. No email needed. Peace out, Paul) with whom I have some basic disagreements about how privacy and email work. Meredith has done some good research and the article is worth a read for non-UNC folks as well.

In the meantime, only 36 hours into #noemail, my inbox which had grown to just over 100 messages in 12 hours now reads 1 – 25 of hundreds! I’ll be unsubscribing to lists for days! One important message offers “Unlimited Pole Dancing Classes”; well LivingSocial and Groupon seemed like good ideas at the time.

Luis Suarez and Peter Weller and I have been exchanging Tweets about how to deal with lists. Luis has replaced his list subscriptions within IBM with RSS feeds. A very sane idea. But the UNC Lyris Listserv doesn’t offer an RSS alternative that I can see.

Could our next listserv implementation please offer an RSS alternative?
40K campus inboxen