Former King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk has a blog of mostly official papers that have been scanned. Interesting to see his underlinings and comments on things. Helpful if you can read French and/or Cambodian. He’s been at it for over a year and his web site has been a subject of internet curiosity for sometime.

John Edwards will be podcasting (thanks Brian). From

STAY TUNED: John Edwards Podcasts Next Week!

Next week John Edwards will participate in an exciting new medium: podcasting. He will answer your questions and update you on his family and projects. Do you have a question for John Edwards? Click here.

What is podcasting? It starts with an MP3 file that will play on your computer or portable music player – but it acts like a subscription. This means you are alerted when a new podcast becomes available – and you are always kept up-to-date with the newest broadcast.

How do I get started? Download free software for your Mac or PC at Then check back here at One America: next week we will provide a link to download John Edwards’ podcast!