Accept no substitutes

Bob Moog dies at age 71

Bob Moog (from Moog Music website)
Brain cancer claimed Bob Moog last night. You may send notes to his family at the link in the previous sentence or if you can be in Asheville, NC, you can attend the memorial service:

The Orange Peel, Social Aid & Pleasure Club
101Biltmore Ave
Asheville, NC
828 225-5851

His hometown paper, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported the story here.


  1. Keith Weston

    You know, there’s a link between Moog and the Monkees (see the entry below that mentions them). The Monkees were the first “major” pop music group to use a Moog. 1967’s “Daily Nightly” features one, especially from some tripped-out flourishes at the end of the song. The Beatles were not Mooging not long after…

  2. Tim R.

    This should be a good memorial retrospective:

    WXYC 89.3 FM — in Chapel Hill and on the Web at

    BOB MOOG Retrospective on the Thursday Night Feature, 9-midnight
    On Sunday afternoon Bob Moog, best known for the electronic
    synthesizers bearing his name, passed away at his home in Asheville.
    These instruments have had a huge impact on modern music of all sorts
    of styles from rock to hip-hop to jazz to electronica and even
    classical renditions such as those found in the soundtrack to the
    movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’. In rememberance of his contribution,
    WXYC’s Thursday Night Feature this week will be devoted to music
    containing these fun, engaging and just plain cool instruments, as
    well as some history about the man, his instruments and the music
    played with them.

    WXYC 89.3 FM

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