Accept no substitutes

“A Different Order of Being

Another kind of sunrise. Another kind of sunset.”

Heliocentric World of Sun Ra

Yes, it’s the voice of Sun Ra Saturn’s gift to Earth music. And I’m delighted to have rediscovered him on YouTube (and not found on Google Video).

“Some call me Mister Ra. Some call me Mister Re. You may call me Mister Mystery.” He explains in a four part documentary/appreciation. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.

Space is definitely the place.

1 Comment

  1. BrianR

    I really enjoyed the Sun Ra biography Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra. I learned, among many other things, that Sun Ra supposedly did not drink or take drugs. Listen to his music then think about THAT! Creativity is really an awesome thing!

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