Andy I
Old bud Andy Ihnatko completely disses the Zune in a Chicago Sun-Times article that begins “Avoid the Looney Zune” and ends “Microsoft gets music player all wrong.”

Yikes, Mr. Gates all this and Vista too?

Not that there aren’t non-iPod players that Andy thinks are competitive and fun to use. He likes several non-Apple products:

“The Zune is a complete, humiliating failure. Toshiba’s Gigabeat player, for example, is far more versatile, it has none of the Zune’s limitations, and Amazon sells the 30-gig model for 40 bucks less.”

“Companies such as Toshiba and Sandisk (with its wonderful Nano-like Sansa e200 series) compete effectively with the iPod by asking themselves, ‘What are the things that users want and Apple refuses to provide?'”

Andy’s bottom line: “Result: The Zune will be dead and gone within six months. Good riddance.”