Altho my greys conflict with their grey and the cleaned up construction worker looking guys that protect the lobby (on the 7th floor) have shinier shoes, they let me in. Have to poke my
head out soon. This place is so cool the water freezes. Luckily sleep is not in my plans.
I was immediately welcomed to NYC at the airport by “Limo” driver who would give me a great price to mid-town — twice what the cab which was 50 ft away charges.

No picture could do justice to the W enterance. Its a cross the ceiling waterfall with lights breaking thru the water on glass above your head so that you feel completely surrounded by water.

By some quirk of fate I am in room 2004! Right across from the Roger’s Theatre where Twyla Tharp and Billy Joel’s Movin Out is playing (or better dancin’).

You can dream about NYC but you cannot really afford to be here. I feel like Tantalus with so much near but so far away.