Settled into hotel. IM from Doc, who is to be my roommate, saying that he’s up in LA at a Starbucks and will be late. To me it’s late already since I’m on East Coast time.
The conference hotel is a little walk away. There I check in and get swag. Tutorials have already been doing on. I miss the folks giving them but run into Dan Gillmor and his friend both taking advantage of wireless. Then in to Sara Winge who is just settling into email herself. Justin Watt comes by looking for dinner eaters. Since I didn’t pay $3 for salami on the plane and since Justin and pal are good dinner partners, we take off to Star of India restaraunt, where I have passable pineapple mango curry chicken, veggie samosa and pakora.
I miss the l0ft party because it’s past midnight EST.
Tomorrow will be a full confernce day. I wish my battery was a bit newer and laster longer.