After making up some Gumbo z’Herbs, you’ll have some root veggies left — unless you only buy greens. If you add some local sweet taters and some rosemary and some roasted peppers – jalapeno and sweet green. You can have a nice seasonal main dish. I like it all a little crunchy so I make it up this way:

3 beets – medium sized
2 sweet potatoes
turnips and/or carrots (we skipped these this time out)
1/2 onion
rosemary from our abundant bush
roasted peppers to your taste
olive oil

Dice the root veggie into small cubes. Do the same to the onion. Chop up those peppers after removing the seeds. Keep chopping on the rosemary.

Saute the garlic, onion and some rosemary until the onions are transparent.

Lower the heat a bit and add the hardest roots first. In my case this was the sweet potato, how long you cook depends on how crunchy or show you prefer. Add the beets and the roasted peppers. Add the rest of the rosemary.

Yummm. Crunchy savory local and healthy.

We served this with pineapple chunks that Sally had just picked on fresh from the store.