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Beverly McIver’s Tribute to her Mother

McIver's Moma
Spent too brief a time at Tyndall Galleries for the opening in honor of Beverly McIver’s most recent work. The subject of the show is a celebration of the life of McIver’s mother. McIver’s work has often been self portraits. Earlier as a clown with white face on and more recently in black face. McIver, who is black, has created work that is both beautiful and disturbing or at least shifted from our expectations of what portrait might mean. One of the paintings of her mother shows her in her last days in the intensive care unit. Another shows her mother clapping in delight.
I reget that I missed the gallery talk. I did get to hear others rave about it. McIver, I’m told, talked about her growth as an artist, her relationship with her mother, her new life in Tempe, AZ and more. Having grown up in Greensboro, McIver was surprised to be in an area where there are few other blacks and reflected that experience.

1 Comment

  1. ornetta mciver

    iam so sorry that happen to your mother may she rest in peace my farther dad two years ago and o still havent got over it yet i dont think i ever will.

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