From Dan Gillmor come these stories of bloggers promoting literary fiction from the Village Voice and the LA Times.

from the LA Times article:

Calling themselves the Litblog Co-Op, the effort includes the sites the Elegant Variation, Moorishgirl, Rake’s Progress and Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind, all of which will continue to operate separately, the bloggers say.

Key to the effort is the Read This! campaign they’ve created, in which five of the bloggers will each nominate a title he or she thinks deserves readers’ attention, then the co-op will vote for one to promote jointly. The first title (four will be selected each year) will be announced May 15 on the group’s Web site,

Blogger Mark Sarvas, who drew the project together, described the effort as less an award program than a conversation starter.

Are we ready for poetry reviews and/or contributions to the News and Observer forums?