We picked the Blooker Prize winners earlier and they were just announced. The winners are: In Comics, Mom’s Cancer by Brian Fies. In Fiction, Doorbells of Florence by Andrew Losowsky. In Non-fiction, My War by Colby Buzzell. The BBC reports the Prize here with quotes from Nick Cohen, Arianna Huffington and myself.

Nick Cohen writes about his Blooker judging experience here at Guardian Unlimited. And he gets a bit snotty. Nick, Bridget Jones is a steal from Tales of the City mixed with Jane Austen fercrissake. Not to say that BreakUpBabe is either. And you passed completely on PostSecret and Doorbells.

Other Brits babble on about being bloggers and Blookers in response to Zoe Margolis’ Guardian piece here.

Colby Buzzell is quoted in the New York Times about his blogging, his blook and his winning the Blooker here.

Over 150 articles on the Blooker and Buzzell’s winning of it found on Google today.