Accept no substitutes

Book marks I don’t want to lose in

David Byrne’s Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars in Wired 16.01.

Dramatic Growth of Open Access: 2007 (Interim) and Predictions for 2008 at Heather Morrison’s IJPE.

Teens and Social Media: The use of social media gains a greater foothold in teen life as they embrace the conversational nature of interactive online media at Pew Internet.

Twitter is dangerous by Michael Krigsman at ZDnet. Mostly paranoid and kinda silly but one I want to remember.

Old buddy Andy Ihnatko’s iPhone Fully Loaded book. He should have been the Fake Steve Jobs. He’s funnier than Daniel Lyons.

eGranary the offline digital library project. Hope to get Cliff Missen the director here as an ibiblio speaker in early February.


  1. Cristóbal Palmer

    Lose in Is it going under? I’m confuzeled.

  2. George Entenman

    I don’t understand this. Has lost these links? Are they too hard to find? Where are your bookmarks, anyway? (Mine are here:

    — ge

  3. Paul

    Hee! I forget to refind them in too often, but I will search this blog for them. I keep a ton of links in at
    Enjoy them if you like.

  4. George Entenman

    I think I see the problem: the URL is missing an “l” and should be

    See, the social network can solve all your problems!

    — ge

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