A beautiful day in spring and I’m catching up on some things.

Blogging about what I would say at the “This Conversation is being blogged” panel drew out blog entries from other panelists and from some who were there in the audience (and didn’t speak). I’ve added UPDATEs to those writings.

Jessamyn West writes about the Society of American Archivists not wanting to archive their listserv, then wanting to. Watch for more on this soon at a favorite site near you.

Fiona Morgan of the Independent Weekly has a long article about the many changes at the News and Observer — several which I’ve been watching and and interested in seeing play out as the paper learns to interact more directly with its readers.

Lulu Blooker books are all over the floor of my house. I can’t talk about them, but I can say that I’m doing a lot of reading. (I’m chair of judges this year).